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    Don’t work out, train. It’s not just a mindset.

    09 Jan 2023

    One of the things that I work on most with my athletes is sport-specific training. All athletes should work out differently. If you look at how athletes are taught to work out, it all looks the same. Even at higher levels, athletes from different sports and sexes still work out the same regardless of their sport. This is silly. The idea that a football player, an Olympic lifter, a track athlete, a tennis player, and a swimmer all need to do the same exercises should be wrong on common sense…

    Small choices may have significant effects. How do you handle the choices?

    06 Jan 2023

    I touched on how important small choices are to who we end up being yesterday, and I also wanted to touch on them for relationships. Over the last 15 years of doing what I do, I have watched people's relationships fall apart and end. I have also seen people fortify and rebuild their relationships into something more substantial and better. The difference is often the small choices. The little things people either do or do not do make a difference. It isn't valentines, anniversaries, or even birthdays but every day…

    How do you handle people that hold you back from achieving your goals?

    05 Jan 2023

    Many voices are out there now telling you that you should cut negative and draining people out of your life. The idea is that your life can be improved, but getting rid of the bad people pulling you down or holding you back is gaining headway. I am a big fan of this idea, as you cannot truly get better until you pull the thing that is poisoning you away from your body and mind. We should all evaluate our circle and see who is pulling us away from our…

    How can chiropractic help you? And when should you seek help?

    04 Jan 2023

    I have not posted about chiropractic, and as someone that loves it as much as I do, I should. There are a lot of issues that only an adjustment can fix. My personal story with chiropractic started when I hurt my back in high school and could no longer walk. I saw everyone with a license to treat people before my coach made me go to the chiropractor. Within about five minutes, Dr. Harris was able to figure out what the issue was and fix it. I was carried in…

    Being aware of the love language in a relationship. Do you know your spouse’s?

    03 Jan 2023

    Most of the time, with relationship issues, it isn't that either person is that bad of a person; it's typically a lack of awareness and servitude. More often than not, people don't see the other person's issues. You have to get into the habit of looking. This way, you can get into the habit of serving the person you are in a relationship with. Now obviously, this takes both people to work. However, it gets a lot easier if you find pleasure in serving those you love. The best way…

    Stuff happens, and how you handle it can impact your health and wellness.

    29 Dec 2022

    The Covid shutdown and the craziness that ensued and is still going on showed us many things. Some are scary, like how quickly things can go sideways. Some were good, like how the country can come together and help one another. One of the things it showed us from a psychological point of view was how important it was to decide to keep a positive outlook. I say choose to because we often have to make a choice. We are looking at something scary that could get worse at any…

    What are your priorities? What are you going to do about them?

    28 Dec 2022

    We have all heard the expression you don’t find the time; you make time. This is such a great statement because it is so true. We will make time for the things that we value, the things that are priorities. We make time for our kids, for our hobbies, for our spouses, and sometimes for work. That only sometimes leaves a lot of time for our health. When I talk to people about their fat content, working out, or diet, I often get the response: “I just don’t have time.”…

    Fat loss – Self-control over the holidays will make it easier to start

    23 Dec 2022

    One of the things that people ask the most about is weight loss. I have often said that I will not work on weight loss but will help with fat loss. I will not help with weight loss because it ties success and self-worth to a number on a scale and isn’t healthy or the proper way to view your goals. For instance, if you lose 5 lbs. of fat and gain 5 lbs. of muscle, you will look, feel and be much healthier. However, you will not lose any…

    Being heard is even more important at the holidays

    22 Dec 2022

    One thing you repeatedly hear from people when they are frustrated in a relationship is that the other person is not listening to them. Not being heard is hard on people for several reasons. It shows a good amount of disrespect when someone asks you something, and they are ignored. It makes people feel as though they are not worthy of consideration. I It is also one of the primary reasons people feel alone and isolated. None of these feelings or positions is positive for marriage or working relationships. Even…

    Invest in your relationships – All year not just at family gatherings

    21 Dec 2022

    I get asked about investing all the time, and I can tell you one of the best things you can ever invest in is your relationship with your spouse. Having a great home life can never be understated. If you have built a relationship with your spouse to the point that you are best friends, it will improve all the other aspects of your life. If you have a bad day, it’s cool you get to go home to your spouse and relax. If you had a fantastic day, you…