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23 Jan 2023
I am seeing more anxiety and stress in my patients over the last few years. Yes, Covid is a thing, or was it a thing? Are we over that now with the Russia thing? I am not sure. On top of their normal lives, they worry. I have gone round and round trying to come up with a nice or soft way of saying this, but I can't, so here it is. It would be best if you guys cared less about a lot of stuff. Not because caring about…
READ MORE20 Jan 2023
I get asked all the time what the best way to lift or what style of exercise people should not do is. For those who do not know, this is a big conversation in the exercise and health community. The real answer isn’t “CrossFit bad and my way good.” The real answer is highly dependent on your goals. We get lost sometimes in the idea that once we have chosen something, everyone else should see our side of the coin the same way. My goals have changed as I have…
READ MORE19 Jan 2023
We use words daily, and I don’t know if we truly understand their meaning. For instance, it is impossible to be brave if you are not scared. Bravery is overcoming or doing something even though you are scared. Being scared is a prerequisite for being brave. Being peaceful can only come from a violent person. You must choose to be peaceful. If you cannot be violent, you are not choosing to be peaceful. So, with humility, you have to know you’re good at something and decide not to lord it…
READ MORE18 Jan 2023
After an earlier social media post, I realized I was using terms I have yet to define that will help with your muscle function knowledge. Muscles have 2 functions that are equally important but very different. Muscles have tone and strength. Strength is how hard a muscle can contract at any given time, typically under conscious control. This means that you can lift 30 lbs. with a bicep curl if you want to try. You decide ok, lift the weight, and the weight moves up. Conscious choice lift once. This…
READ MORE17 Jan 2023
This quote is one of the reasons that I like Nietzsche. It goes back to the most important question of why. The quote is, “It is hard enough to remember my opinions without also remembering my reasons for them. “I talk about this a lot. The most important thing we can do is ask why. Asking all other questions about who, when, and how are important as they give knowledge. However, asking why gives you understanding. The why question allows us to apply knowledge to new circumstances. This is a…
READ MORE16 Jan 2023
So, you snore, huh? That’s gonna be a problem. Not for your spouse, even though I am sure they would like it if you didn’t. The problem is most likely for your heart and your brain. Snoring is a sign of sleep apnea, and it will kill you. I mean, after it makes your quality of life terrible, you are always tired and feel like crap. Then after a while, you’ll die. The sound of snoring is the sound of obstructive sleep apnea, and you need to have a sleep…
READ MORE13 Jan 2023
Dealing with people regularly takes a lot of work. Whether in business meetings, working with peers, or even dealing with a spouse. The problem many of us get into is understanding why people do the things they do. We cannot evaluate a person’s actions and understand what is happening. This is why studying psychology is so important. There is a concept in psychology called transference, and we should all know about it. This is where something is bothering a person, and it is, by definition, 100% not related to the…
READ MORE12 Jan 2023
As I said, one of my favorite philosophers is Frederich Nietzsche, and one of his quotes I find fitting for the time we are in now is, “Sometimes people don’t want to hear the truth because they don’t want their illusions destroyed.” We have a lot of illusions going on now. Like the government wants the best for me. Or, my doctor makes decisions based on research, not on faith and money. If it comes from a doctor, it is safe for my family. Many people fight so hard despite…
READ MORE11 Jan 2023
Anxiety often comes from the inability to control or deal with the things around you. While we cannot always have complete control over the things around us or the things that happen around us, we can control ourselves. We can learn to do our part and then let things be. I had a conversation with a young woman the other day that had been in a minor accident. The other person rear-ended her and broke her tail light, and did a small amount of damage to her bumper. The other…
READ MORE10 Jan 2023
When you think about relaxing and luxury, many people think about a massage. While a massage can be very relaxing and part of any good luxury vacation, we should also view it therapeutically. For instance, after most deep tissue massages, you are instructed to “drink plenty of water,” but do you know why? The reason is that a deep tissue massage is one of the best ways to clear toxic metabolites that get stuck in the muscles. The massage pushes these chemicals into the lymphatic system. The lymph can then…