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    Myoinositol, Solution for Menstrual Issues and Hormonal Balance

    27 Jul 2023

    Many people are dealing with menstrual problems. There is a significant portion of this that is inflammation caused by food sensitivities such as seed and vegetable oil, glyphosate (gluten), sugar, and other things like that, but there is another large part that I see people overlooking all the time. That small thing is known as Myoinositol. The body requires a 50-1 Myoinositol to D-Inositol ratio. However, for a variety of reasons, the ratio is falling to 1-1 in many women, which presents problems. Most of the women I work with…

    Understanding Others to Solve Problems Together

    26 Jul 2023

    This book is fantastic for teaching my children how to treat others. The book then attempts to convey the argument that we should look at our difficulties from the perspective of someone else. For example, it describes the account of a corporation that always shipped its goods a little late, making it difficult for the railway yard to get things packed up and ready to travel without having to work extra. Writing the firm a letter and advising them that they should get their act together and get their merchandise…

    The Crucial Role of Pelvic Alignment in Female Athletes

    25 Jul 2023

    I encountered a physical therapist the other day who was complaining about her glute (butt) and adductor musculature (inner thigh muscle) not working properly and no one could explain why. She stated that despite the MRI, NCV, and all of the therapy, her leg was not improving, and that you could detect atrophy, or loss of muscle mass, in her leg. The problem with this woman's glute med and adductor was caused by her pubic symphysis being out of alignment. I know I say it all the time, but women…

    Role of Kidney Support and Castor Packs in Easing Stress and Anxiety

    24 Jul 2023

    There are many things in today's environment that can cause us tension and anxiety. Every 5 minutes, it seems, the news finds something new that will be the worst thing ever. Finding strategies to de-stress, such as turning off the news and social media, has a lot to recommend it. But what if you experience stress or worry for no apparent reason? Why do I feel uneasy or extra worried when I look at my life and think everything is relatively nice on paper? Maybe you just finished a cleanse,…

    Importance of Team-Based Guidance for Children’s Growth

    21 Jul 2023

    When someone brings their child in for me to work with, I often say something and the child looks up, amazed, and says, "Wow that makes a lot of sense thanks man I'll start doing that." However, when the child, boy or female, says that, the parent looks perplexed because what I just said that the child heard and wants to do now has been said 1000 times by the parent. It's not that your child doesn't listen to you, observe you, or study you; they do, and they'll use…

    The Importance of Branch Chain Amino Acids (BCAA) and Amino Acids (AA) for Serious Lifters, Maximizing Gym Results

    20 Jul 2023

    Okay, this tirade is for all of you physique builders and "gym experts" out there. Many individuals believe that all you need is adequate protein and that there is no need for branch-chain amino acids (BCAA) or amino acids (AA). This is true if you are not lifting or are not lifting seriously. If you go to the gym more to converse than to see the effects on your physique, eat protein or take a protein supplement. The "just protein" brigade doesn't comprehend digestion and absorption, as well as amino…

    Rehabilitating the Mind, Unveiling the Hidden Scars

    19 Jul 2023

    I've always been proud of my scars. They contain anecdotes of instances when something noteworthy happened to me. Now my kids are receiving scars that they will remember for a long time, and it's fun to watch from this perspective. Scars appeal to me because they act as a deterrent to a monotonous existence. Most persons with scars have a story to tell. They were out doing something, possibly the last time they did something. However, the story frequently involves that person getting over something, which is always amusing. The…

    Causes, Symptoms, and Strategies for Restoring Gut Health

    18 Jul 2023

    Yeast overgrowth is something I see every day when I look at folks who have gastrointestinal troubles. When you have yeast overgrowth, you may have symptoms such as gas, bloating, constipation, acne, skin rashes, a white film in your mouth or on your tongue, rashes, hair loss, and other problems. The natural inquiry now is, "How did you get these problems?" You had an event, an infection, medical drugs such as antibiotics, or you ate antibiotic-laced food such as chicken at a restaurant, but most of the time I see…

    Extended Date Nights, The Key to Igniting Relationship Spark and Creating Lasting Memories

    17 Jul 2023

    Many people, including myself, will tell you how essential date night is because it is. We do, however, have longer date evenings every couple of months, which is really wonderful. Since it's a date night, I try, if ineptly, to arrange them. An extended date night is exactly what it sounds like a date that lasts more than a few hours. I'll give you an example from the last one Lu and I did. We traveled downtown, about 20 minutes from our house, and slept in a hotel for the…

    Getting Started, Taking the First Step Towards Physical Fitness

    14 Jul 2023

    Physical fitness is perhaps the simplest thing to improve. Depending on your objectives, you can accomplish almost anything, especially at the outset, and you are on the correct track. If you don't do anything today, take 10,000 steps tomorrow and you'll be well on your way. Did you perspire today as a result of your activity? No, fantastic move till you sweat tomorrow, and bang, you're on the correct track. Starting a fitness regimen is simple; all you have to do is decide to do it. The issue I notice…